Guys I have caught the Marie Kondo train.
I have been #tidyingup my house, but for a while now I have been working on tidying up my heart and my life.
It’s kind of what Living Your Awesome Life is all about.
Taking the things that spark joy for you in your HEART and adding more of that to your life .
I get it, a mess of a closet magically turned into a gloriously organized and neatly folded museum of clothes you actually like and wear.
It’s TANGIBLE and it’s easy to see. You can complete an area in a few hours (or few days if you’re like me) and it feels good.
But then what.
The next space, the next task of things.
Like I said, I am totally on this journey too. My MISCELANEOUS piles are stacking up and I know its going to be a big deal and feel really good to organize that stuff.
But I know that the harder work, the deeper, time consuming, less visible heart work, is going to pay off in a bigger way in the long run.
So let’s play a little game of parallel.
Picture your life like your closet. Or maybe your set of drawers.
You have a few categories, like pants, shirts and sweaters. OR lets say, Family, Friends, Health and Work (maybe you have more or other ones you would like to make a priority)
Lets look at those areas of your life.
What ACTIVITIES in your day to day life spark joy. Actually not even…in reality we don’t do a lot of joy sparking in our every day lives.
What people, commitments, ideologies and habits in these areas no longer serve you?
Which ones light you up like a Christmas tree (anyone else missing theirs ?)
For me if you look at my life on the outside, you likely physically won’t see much change.
BUT behind closed doors, you’d see that I am no longer crying when I get dressed in the morning, spending hours measuring food and looking up calories and beating myself up for whatever choices I have made.
Guys I am “working” towards being healthier, but the #dietculture I was living in my heart was in NO WAY sparking joy. It was adding stress, frustration and dissatisfaction to my every day.
But let me say this.
I would 100% KEEP MY BODY EXACTLY AS IT LOOKS. Forever and ever, before I would be ok with the way my mind was thinking before. (ps I’d be a ok to have this mind shift AND look like a yoga teaching surf instructing boho babe…its my end goal lol! but not at the expense of my mental health.(
I LOVE ADVENTURE and playing with my kids, especially outside. That’s a joy sparking thing.
Sooooo I invested in better mittens, actual winter boots and a long coat, and so far this winter I have been outside with the kids at least twice as much as last year. Could I send them out to play and clean the kitchen? Of course. But as my beauty of a friend Jessica reminds me “it’ll keep”.
These are just a couple of my examples to get your mind gears grinding…
But what is it that you want more of in your life. What is it you need to purge?
You can download our little worksheet to help you here! I would love to hear what you think about #tidyingup more than your house 🙂
Heres to Living Your Awesome Life!