Hey! You want to

Live Your Awesome Life?

Yah? Ok! That’s why we’re here! 


Hey! I’m Heather!

And I am so excited that you’re here on our site and interested in Living Your Awesome Life!

My life was rocked after a car accident and a game changing brain injury that left me struggling to understand who I was or my place in the world. Not being able to do any of the things I was used to challenged everything I thought that I knew about myself and my purpose in life. I had to really work at it, but through mental health professionals, therapies and connecting with others who practice living what matters most; I was able to build my life again, from the ground up. I wouldn’t wish the circumstances on anybody, but the lessons that I learned are ones that I want to help others to grab hold of. This is why I started hosting Awesome Life Retreats, to bring awareness and opportunity to others so that they can start living the life that they want, a truly AWESOME life.

Our Heart

The “You Matter” mantra we tote isn’t about being selfish or making life ALL about you. We’re not talking diva life here. We’re talking about knowing deep down, regardless of what pile of junk is heaped on you, that your WORTH and your VALUE does not change. You were created uniquely and incredibly you, and right now, exactly as you are. YOU MATTER. This is at the core of all we do (and what we are always working on for ourselves!)

                                         Find out more about us here….


Why We’re Here

Simply put… to help women like you to live their very best lives, like…their AWESOME lives. But to find out more…click here.

Dive in With Us.

Get on the Waiting List for a Tropical 5 day retreat 

Awesome Life Retreat

Oceanstone Seaside Resort 

Jan 31- Feb 2, 2020

Cheers to You. And to all this year has to offer! 

We'd Love To Hear From You!

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