Cut the Crap this Christmas
Last night I had a bunch of fun with some ladies who wanted to Cut the Crap this Christmas…. but I know some wanted to join and couldn’t so I wanted to upload a replay!
It was my first time using this web room, and one of my beautiful attendees accidentally wrote on the slides and neither of us knew how to fix it. So after hours of me trying to line up the audio with the slides to create a new copy…I am embracing imperfection and saying…here it is! (No guilt beautiful friend! I learned many lessons through the process that will help in the future!!!_
It’s almost an hour long so maybe cozy up with some wrapping, a cup of tea or that afghan you’re knitting (Lol I don’t know where that came from, does anyone knit afghans? what IS an afghan??)
I hope to post a little guide to work through in the coming days, but I know the season comes quickly upon us and wanted you to have the content now!
If you want a little summary of what’s inside and the heart behind it… here it is :
So many things in our lives are made up of stories. Stories of how we think things SHOULD be, the way that they always were, or what is expected from us. The problem is that often these stories, our unwritten code of how things should be done, don’t line up with our VALUES. Our subconscious belief system leads us to make decisions based on what is known, and familiar…but not always what is most meaningful for us.
Sound a little too airy fairy for ya?
I work in analogies in my mind so I’ll throw one out as an example.
I feel like a lazy sack of potatoes when I don’t get up and get my day started early. Actually I don’t always FEEL that way, but my mind tells me “you’re sleeping half the day away, do you know what you could be getting done in this HOUR of just LAYING here?”
Before the time where I became curious (it’s a gift really!) I would just respond to these thoughts like they were facts. I would get up and get my day started, often leaving Alex and the kids in bed to snuggle while I started tasks around the house.
My body was tired, I wanted to be in bed with my kids on a lazy Saturday morning, snuggles, rest and giggles would often happen there. My Naturopath would tell me, you need more sleep, more rest, your body is stressed, give it a break. Alex would tell me that breakfast could wait. The kids would ask me to stay and snuggle… but yet the voice would still tell me “get up you lazy bones!”
So where did this story come from?
My dear ol dad. Who I love dearly.
Papa gets up at the crack of way too early before dawn and works his fingers to the grind all day long. He’s often oked about wasting the day away, but I know that he doesn’t ACTUALLY judge me for sleeping past 6am (or if he does….that’s really his problem lol) My mamma sleeps until usually 8 on mornings where she isn’t on mimi duty, and they have been married for forty years. So I know But I always wanted to impress my dad, and so by observing the world around me, I saw that he valued getting up early, and saw sleep as an evil stealer of productivity.
The great thing is that through some curiosity and change, you can re-write your stories (if they don’t line up with your values that is)
So now I still get lazy convictions, but I respond to them (in my mind…the kids would think I was even more cray cray than I actually am) with the realization that I value snuggles on Saturday mornings more than the hour of productivity that I lose by staying in bed.
That is just one of my stories. Almost everything we do, think, say, is influenced by these subconscious stories; and Christmas is no different!
Why do you feel the need to go into debt? Have the perfect gift? Have three Christmas trees? Give your kids exactly what they ask for?
It’s totally fine if the answers to these questions line up with what you want your Christmas to look like, and what is meaningful and valuable to you. But it’s possible some of it just doesn’t line up; that some of these stories lead you to commit to things that stress you out, to spend more than you are actually comfortable with and more.
We walk through some of these things in the video, but would have loved to have hours to go through each thing step by step!
But that’s the kind of thing we do at the Awesome Life Retreats!
I am just about to go LIVE with THREE retreats launching for the first 6 months of 2019. Here’s the Launch Page!
Woot woot! Stay tuned for more!!!
And wishing you the very Merriest Crap Free Christmas!