by | Apr 17, 2019 | Adventures + Travel
Fairy Holes… What the heck are those? A few summers ago we were exploring in Cape Breton when someone made mention. We didn’t have cell service, or internet or data, but when we were heading back to Halifax I looked it up. We knew that we would be visiting on our next...
by | Apr 14, 2019 | Adventures + Travel
I have been (slowly… and painstakingly) going through the tens of thousands of photos I have recording our adventures over the last few years and it makes me so thankful for the adventures we have had and excited for the adventures that are coming next. Want to...
by | Jan 23, 2019 | Adventures + Travel
Guys I have caught the Marie Kondo train. I have been #tidyingup my house, but for a while now I have been working on tidying up my heart and my life. It’s kind of what Living Your Awesome Life is all about. Taking the things that spark joy for you in your HEART and...
by | Jan 15, 2019 | Adventures + Travel
The Mist Trail – with Mulan Soundtrack I know mammas can be proud. And sometimes maybe we are proud when it’s not really that impressive. But this, I feel like its warranted! We did the Mist Trail when we were in Yosemite and it was up there in my...
by | Dec 31, 2018 | Adventures + Travel
It’s a day away from 2019. And I am so thankful for #powersheets. If you haven’t heard of Lara Casey, her Making Things Happen Intensive and Power Sheets…you should check it out! She is part of the reason that I started Living Your Awesome Life,...
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