Our Awesome Life

Professional Photographer + Blogging Mamma. Exploring the World with Her Adventurous Fam

Our Awesome Life Blog

Staying Afloat in Nova Scotia

Staying Afloat in Nova Scotia

You know how sometimes you feel like you’re just barely staying afloat? Kind of in your mind not the best thing right? Well get that thought out of your mind when you are thinking about this floating cottage in Pleasantville! It’s called Ketch Cottage but I found it...

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Hey friends! Heather here: 

The blogging, food loving, photographing, travelin’ mamma who wants to Live her Awesome Life and help others live theirs too.
We live our awesome life as a family, learning about what matters most, creating, finding joy in the little things, and traveling and exploring this awesome world we live in!

Why we Live our Awesome 

It might sounds a bit cliche, but we live our lives full of adventure because we can. Nope, we aren’t made of money, and we don’t have a secret trust fund. We make choosing what matters to us a priority. We also make a point to explore close to home a lot, which is amazing (and keeps things a bit more affordable too!) We had some tough years where I let work and comparison and money control my time and energy, and then I was forced to make some changes. And I am so glad that I did. The amount of laughter and adventure we have experienced together has been a huge gift, and I can’t wait for more!! 

Featured Posts

You know we all have favourites right? Well here’s one of mine! Guys, we are so excited for all the travel we plan to do this year especially in our own backyard. YES, we love to travel all around the world, and we’re budgeting and planning some big things in the coming years! BUT for now I want to share this feature of our very own Nova Scotian Cape Breton Island. If you’re looking for a place to explore, this is a gem that needs to be shared! 

What the heckeroonie are Fairy Holes?

I picture mossy green gullies with fireflies glittering about. I would ALSO love to see that! BUT the Fairy Caves in Cape Breton are much different than that!

The Fairy Hole at the end of the Cape Dauphin Trail is Certainly worth being explored! 

How do we travel so much? (And sometimes for free!)

One of the questions we get asked MOST often is “How do you travel so much”. While the answer is always shifting here and there, this post really gives some insight on how we save, plan ahead and travel frugally when we can to make it happen as often as possibe!

Our Upcoming Trips

If you are interested in us featuring your location or partnering with us, OR if you know any secret hikes, waterfalls or must go resturaunts (or ice cream shops!)  in any of these beautiful places…. please let us know!!!!  (email heather@thisisphotography.ca or use the contact us form at the bottom of the page!) 

So far our 2019 plans include : 

 Alaskan Cruise with Norwegian Cruise Lines

A Visit to St. Andrews by the Sea

A few days in Shediac, NB

Ten days in Cape Breton 

Some camping throughout NS including Rissers and Kejimkujik

A Cozy Cabin Stay at Oceanstone Seaside Resort 



Our 2018 Highlight Reel

I take a LOT of photographs, like, wow, so sometimes getting them all into posts is well….not possible (think 10,000 on my phone at this vert moments!) But here are a few of our adventures!

11 + 15 =